quarta-feira, 25 de maio de 2011

Certificados: Cada Vez Mais Importantes!

O número de instituições (empresas, universidades, agências governamentais) que aceitam e reconhecem os Certificados Internacionais de Cambridge alcançou a marca de 12.000 em todo o mundo. Inclusive o Ministro das Relações Exteriores da Austrália anunciou que o CAE (Certificate in Advanced English) será aceito para efeitos de concessão do visto australiano.
Todo ano, mais de 3 milhões de candidatos prestam as provas para obtenção dos certificados, em 130 países.  Confira abaixo a noticia na integra:

"The number of employers, universities and government bodies around the world accepting Cambridge English qualifications has reached 12,000. The language qualifications, developed by the University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations (Cambridge ESOL), are used as proof of English for immigration, university entrance and employment.

“The increasing use and integration of Cambridge English shows how seriously organisations are taking language ability around the world,” says Cambridge ESOL's Nicola Johnson. “Those who hold a Cambridge English qualification are able to effectively use the real-life communications skills you need to get by at university, in the workplace and in a new country.”
Earlier in the year, Cambridge reported a massive boost in the number of UK medical schools accepting their higher level qualifications. Other recognising organisations include the UK Border Agency, Air France, the Greek Civil Service and leading Higher Education establishments around the world – including top Ivy League and Russell Group universities.

Australian Minister for Immigration and Citizenship, Chris Bowen MP, has announced that the Cambridge English Advanced exam (also known as Certificate in Advanced English, CAE) will be recognised for Australian student visas. The new rules give students who want to study in Australia the opportunity to use this high quality, secure international qualification to prove that they have the language skills they need for academic success.
“I am very pleased Cambridge has been chosen as one of the new English test providers and I am confident they will provide a valuable service to student visa applicants,” Mr Bowen said.
 This means that students with a Cambridge English Advanced qualification can now use their certificate to study in Australia, UK and beyond. The exam is run by Cambridge ESOL, the department of Cambridge University which also produces the IELTS tests. It has been taken by hundreds of thousands of students since 1991."

Publicado em: http://www.cambridgeesol.org/index.php

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